Hospitals in Kensington
We currently do not have any Hospitals listed in Kensington, CA. Please view these nearby results.
Local: (480) 718-1300
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451 28th St
Oakland, CA 94609
451 28th St
Oakland, CA 94609
Local: (510) 893-4066
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1451 28th Ave
Oakland, CA 94601
1451 28th Ave
Oakland, CA 94601
Local: (510) 261-9191
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280 W Macarthur Blvd
Oakland, CA 94611
280 W Macarthur Blvd
Oakland, CA 94611
Local: (510) 596-1000
View Company ProfileSUMMIT MEDICAL CTR | 350 Hawthorne Ave, Oakland, CA, 94609 | (510) 655-4000 |
RHEEM VALLEY CNVLSCNT HOSPITAL | 348 Rheem Blvd, Moraga, CA, 94556 | (925) 376-5995 |
ALHAMBRA CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL | 331 Ilene St, Martinez, CA, 94553 | (925) 228-2020 |
CONTRA COSTA REGIONAL MED CTR | 2500 Alhambra Ave, Martinez, CA, 94553 | (925) 370-5000 |
KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITAL | 200 Muir Rd, Martinez, CA, 94553 | (925) 372-1000 |
MARTINEZ CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL | 4110 Alhambra Way, Martinez, CA, 94553 | (925) 228-4260 |
LAFAYETTE CONVALESCENT HOSP | 1010 1st St, Lafayette, CA, 94549 | (925) 284-1420 |
ALAMEDA HOSPITAL | 2070 Clinton Ave, Alameda, CA, 94501 | (510) 522-3700 |
EMMANUEL CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL | 508 Westline Dr, Alameda, CA, 94501 | (510) 521-5765 |
SOUTH SHORE CONVALESCENT HOSP | 625 Willow St, Alameda, CA, 94501 | (510) 523-3772 |
Kensington CA - California Hospitals brought to you by FSN Hospitals, a directory of Hospitals in the United States and Canada. This Kensington CA Hospitals web page is provided courtesy of the advertising sponsorship of the Hospitals listed, along with thousands of other Hospitals. Please let the Hospitals you do business with know that you found them on the FSN Hospitals web site.